Tech #17, Dracula Illuminatus…

Trump as Dracular

“Vot Young Republican pedophile-dungeon network?”

Hard to believe in today’s modern era that the drinking of human blood, baby blood or that of older children or adults along with the consumption of roasted human flesh from those they took the blood from could still be considered a viable form of occult rather than the sad existential perversion of a basic animalistic monkey-brained dominance over other’s that it is…

Few people realise the true effect which the organised Judeo Xtian religion mentality of belief in place of reality has had on the human intellect along with the modern pathology of damage to neural processes via deliberate contaminants such as fluoride salts, that means that when the old Masonic establishment gets it’s Masonic pawns in organised religion to repeat over and over again things that just aren’t true people’s defenses against deception fail them, like it’s done ever since the Masonic establishment pulled their Sept 11 Coup D’Etat…

Muck Fuzlim’s, here’s a real danger the world faces…

Young people of today face an even greater peril in the fascist’s deliberate promotion of the use of the drug known as ‘ECSTASY’ among the tribal fcuk circles Odessa’s offspring have helped set up, on it’s own the effect of ecstasy is to cause the user to cease the use of intellectual means to gauge their own or other’s level of intelligence, the effect of the drug creates a change in the way chemicals in the brain interact with the result that bit by bit they surrender the use of their intellect and instead respond to how they ‘FEEL’ about a particular situation or set of facts, dumbed down and feeling damn good about it thank you very much along with the Viagra and trace elements of the amphetamine known as Ice in their Ecstasy pills, a generation easily misled thru surrendering their true level of intelligence in favour of how intelligent they feel they are…

Combine that with the thrill of doing evil things to innocent people in the ritual murder cults the fascists have piggybacking the tribal fcuk circles and an entire generation is going down the gurgler with few if any social commentators even noticing let alone speaking out about it, all you’ve got is crank Washington criminals making stuff up about fake school shooters, Russian election hackers, as well as the hermit kingdom North Korea constructing and testing ‘ICBM’ missiles and testing hydrogen bombs when the full extent of their manufacturing capacity has reached no higher level than building an old 1964 petrol driven tractor from machinery purchased after the breakup of Yugoslavia all those years ago, yet people believe that shit because it’s repeated ad infinitum…

It’s said by the religious establishment who by the way venerate Solomon as the founder of their system of occult that Solomon was the wisest man of his time, to that the human mind either glibly goes along with such a preposterous view or simply ignores the reality behind it, said reality being they might just as well have said Solomon worshipped an invisible omnipotent pink elephant who told him to do evil things to a child on Mount Moriah like the patriarch was recorded as doing in the Book of Genesis after an invisible pink elephant told him to?

Get a clue and do it quick, think it all thru before you die, not after…

Stupid thing to say, granted, omnipotent pink elephant’s that is rather than referring to the angry invisible omnipotent omnipresent Abrahamic god almighty of Israel, yet calling Solomon wise when in fact it says in the bible that he built altars in the Hinnom Valley to Molech and Chemosh goes to prove that he was anything other than wise, it also proves that repeating a lie often enough it becomes the truth like Goebbels is reputed to have said…

Oral tradition saw him proceed to sacrifice children on them and then go to the temple in Jerusalem on the sabbath where the bible says “The Lord” accepted his sacrifices, the sacrifices of a ritual child killer ~ The reality is that ritual human cannibalism was central to the hidden parts of Judaism from day one with the patriarch, while Judaism’s bastard creation Xtianity saw it’s founder bled dry on the cross by the high priests, then literally butchered cooked and eaten, the myth of the resurrection merely a cover story for his missing cadaver…

He is risen ~ Tomb ~ Iraqi gold Afghan Lithium 600

“Verily” (sic) “I-say unto thee” that in the same way the establishment repeated that Solomon was a truly wise man over and over until people either believed it or didn’t question it it’s the same TECHNIQUE as claiming that untrained Cessna Pilots who hated America’s freedoms hijacked commercial jets and knocked down 3 skyscrapers with only two of them, again, again like Goebbels with the classic quote attributed to him “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” but the real truth is old King Solomon was no wise man at all, and if the god of the Jews even exists in any real form then he’s every bit as evil as they are for letting them do this evil stuff in his name throughout history…

In this writer’s firm opinion that rather than being a genuine form of occult instead it’s all based around a kind of droll needy butt hurt demonic desire for psychological dominance over another being, instead of gaining some form of real occultist power or energy or whatever you may wish to call it it’s merely seeking a kind of pecking order power over other’s, that’s what’s at the core of this insane age old kabbalistic practice that laughingly passes as occult among the minds of the elite Luciferin part German or part Jew fools who follow such disciplines, in many cases teaching their batshit children to do so too…

German descent devil’s running America practice ritual child murder…
They’re slowly replacing old Judeo-Xtian lies with a bigger monstrosity…
To those who still think for themselves, ponder these perspectives…
Perspectives about what ritual murder is really all about…

To consider all possibilities it’s plausible that along with a low grade chemical high from the blood of the tortured they consume being full of endorphins there’s also a very small amount of what you could call temporal “Soul energy” taken by force from the dying one and then in part given to the corrupted perverted disembodied Luciferin minds that often pass for god’s in this Judeo Xtian train wreck we call civilisation, or even some other form of old world mind within a physical existence that some cultures call god while yet others call a devil, really all it is is the subtle harmonic energies of the chemical processes of life, sort of like a simple harmonic bond between the spirit (Essence) of the life (Mind) that existed years before the temple it lived in until it’s murder was conceived, and the harmonies generated by the chemical life processes…

Guess I’d have explained that better if I’d have wanted to…

Often the process of stealing the blood or butchering the meat includes an element of severe extremely calloused medieval style torture performed on the victim to ensure the blood and flesh is full of endorphins as well as possibly trying to ensure the mind of the one dying  gives up seeking revenge for their murder tho that could hardly apply to the minds of most babies could it…

As insane as the concept sounds it’s what the patriarch Abram was recorded as attempting to do with his son Isaac as in ritual murder followed by ritual cannibalism, it exists and the practice is increasing rather than decreasing thanks to the Luciferin Germanic forces now behind what’s governed the world for 100’s if not 1000’s of years already ~ It’s time to stop yet those who perform such obscene abominations intend the opposite, they intend a maniacal free for all demonic escalation of such insane quasi ritual murder occultist pursuits in the town squares after ‘WW3’ like was always done at the large Nazi rallies behind the scenes, and a subtle slow build up until then…

Nazi rally 600

But allow me to show you something better if you have a mind to see it and then the heart to seek it, something simple which I’d found in the eyes of a child, a baby actually, a baby boy who was so young he was still unable to hold his head up on his own, a friend’s child, or rather the child of a fool who was pretending to be a friend but that’s another story for another day…

Had this baby sitting on my lap, on noticing the little man had not yet got to the stage of developing neural pathways from his frontal lobes to his neck muscles I’d decided to do a little bit of my own occult, with boundaries but also involving a very intimate connection between the little man’s mind and my own…

I’d developed low level yoga skills as well as a not inconsiderable skill in real world occult, not the kind where you need to slice someone up mind you, and martial arts, chick poop martial arts compared to the part German Bruce Lee but still better than 99.98% of people in the world ever get, so in a sort of Vulcan mind meld (Really) I’d respectfully joined my mind to that of the young man who’s frustration at his head flopping was intruding on his attempts to smile at me, then I’d begun to artfully, fast or slow yet always gentle enough for his awareness to keep up with it, move his body from side to side or back and forward so that his head stayed balanced on the top of his neck and shoulders, all of the time with boundaries as in not trying to overpower his inner will, gently feeding the idea of pathways between his frontal lobe mind and his cortex brain down into the nerves of his spine so that he’d think it was his idea…

This went on for a few minutes, his Mom keeping a watchful yet relaxed eagle eye on me with her precious little creation, then it happened, the flow kicked in and for the very first time he had fully conscious neural pathways between his mind and his cortex and the nerves controlling the muscles in his neck…

His eyes lit up and quicker than Bruce Lee killing someone he gave me 10 times the energy I’d put into doing it, energy which was subtle yet not inconsequential, the effect perhaps 1000 times what I’d expected, I’d not really done it to receive anything in return anyway but most certainly did, it was then I’d experienced the highest high of the decade as the purity and innocence of his mind kicked my own neural pathways into gear in ways I’d not known existed, or rather had lost track of since my terrorised tortured time as a baby myself…

It was awesome…

Don’t care what they say, there’s no higher high than what happened between me and that bub, he gave me back 10 times what I’d given to him, that kicked my own systems into play multiplying the effect, all those 1000’s of chemical processes that make joy an existential experience as well as a spiritual one…

It was all sublime without me stealing anything from the little man, especially his blood, merely giving of myself without expectation of reward and getting so much more given back in return, again, it was the highest high I’d had in a decade and no blood was shed, no one screamed, no one even cried, I’d strongly suggest that THAT is occult rather than torturing things so you can drink endorphins in their blood or eat it from their flesh, and all the sane people said…

Amen brother…

Jesus Christ was a hell of a tenor (1)


All vids\graphics fair-use fair-comment…
Hit ‘THIS-LINK’ for my crazy kooky sarcasm…
This post is sadly dead-serious, people…

Work all your stuff out ‘BEFORE’ you die…
And if karma is real, damn the ritual murders…
I’d seen 14 ritual murders from 1964 to 1969…
Nine babies, 5 older kids, tortured to death…
Plus a 15th girl, tortured then shot dead…
This stuff is real, beware humanity…