Tech #89, the god (s) of all liars…

Mister Jinx and Miss Lucy BW (2)

Real students of ancient history may find find this post less challenging…

The height of their so-called priest was a none-too-subtle hint…

monty-python-8-feet-tall-priest 560

Yes it’s a Monty Python thing, yes it’s just fictional parody…
However the big head dress is authentic, it’s what they wore…
You could hide a big Khemitian cranium under that thing…
Throughout history many religions had the same thing…

switzerland-conehead-edit 560

The hats were for tall strangers with big heads to blend in…
Same deal with the old Norman Conqueror helmets too as well…
Original graphics of the old ones have all been taken off the net…
So which stranger’s might choose to blend in using the big hats…
The smart answer is the builders of what’s in the video below…
They didn’t all die out, Switzerland is their redoubt of old…

Now look, seriously, Jew’s made a pact with them…

Around 4000 years ago Hebrew’s made a pact with these tall large brained biological ancestors of humanity to rule the world on their behalf after they’d all retreated to underground bunkers because living on the surface for any length of time dramatically reduced their lifespan ~ So did the Roman Jew’s who built the Temple of Jupiter on top of the foundations laid by these being’s before the global catastrophe the bible myth’s in Genesis speak of, supposedly around 12,000 odd years ago that global catastrophe was according to this man here…

The Scandinavian Jews from the Assyrian Diaspora also made a pact with them, they did the biblical thing, invaded the Scandinavian lands and slaughtered every male while inseminating every female and most of the little boys, these became first the Viking’s of old then after Solomon’s descendant Charlemagne cleared a path for them, a select group also went to Switzerland for around 200 years to become the pestilence known as Norman Conqueror’s ~ Under the big helmet’s they used to wear sometimes one of the old Khemitian’s of Switzerland would venture out after the fray to institute their Govt and religious deceptions on the survivors just as they used to do back in the biblical days of ancient Egypt when a so called slave race of Hebrew’s made off with Egypt’s wealth while blaming their invisible omnipotent guy for leaving the firstborn dead behind them…

Truth be told the simple fact is they’re the living god’s of the bible’s omnipotent omnipresent Abrahamic cosmic magi fantasy, the whole thing was a devious lie crafted for superstitious unlearned naked apes ~ Even the leading Nazi ‘SS’ who by the way were all of illegitimate German Jewish descent made a pact with them to rule the earth, said pact basically just as it was back in the days of Moses, steal everything of value and always give them plenty of captives as slaves and food as indeed became the fate of the missing 5.6 million from the Nazi holocaust…

I’m not completely dissing\dismissing everything biblical by the way, plenty of good men and women tried to inject a measure of truth into the lie that Judeo Xtianity was based upon, however they nearly always fail because these old Khemitian’s themselves are both the real god and devil dichotomy in this world and in the hereafter, they’re the light giver AND darkness as well, literally the biblical liar’s thieves and murderer’s of the Christ’s world-god analogy…

The problem I’m foreseeing is not only are their followers secretly hell bent on fulfilling the biblical prophesies like Armageddon etcetera, that bloody Mengele has used his highly advanced eugenic science to breed a whole new generation of them, literally biological Khemitian (Conehead) replicas and it’s highly likely their morality ethics and truth are already permanently damaged by the education they’ve received in Luciferin practices from their Nazi uncles…

There me goes again, plain truth in dangerous times…

According to bible prophecies we’re doomed anyway…
All we are is a slave\food species, they’ve lied to us large…
We should stop cooperating with them, immediately…

Watch out for their ‘Fake-ET’ eugenic-stuff too people…
Everything they’ve ever done revolves around deception…
There’s something seriously fcuked-up on planet earth…

Everything’s been turned into a lie…

Another serious link to be aware of…


While you’re wrapping your head around that, try not to forget…
There’s another eugenic catastrophe coming in slightly beforehand…
And literally 10’s of 1000’s of Schwammberger’s desperate for power…
Some, split-blastocyst twins and\or triplets from different wombs…
Literally is a dictionary word, most words are most of the time…
That’s means unchecked identity-swaps to bamboozle you…

So that’s split-blastocyst twins and triplets, literally…
Literally is a literal (sic) word with a dictionary meaning…
Literally born in different wombs, like the Faux-Kenyan…
Again, that word literal I’ve used is in it’s literal sense…

Like Cessna Pilot’s can’t fly commercial jets, literally…

You think you get-it yet do you, literally?


We should look after our own little one’s immediately…

Nov 6 2018 miss-the-bus-darker-bw-560 (5)

Washington still claim these aren’t serious blogs?

Get that pedo-dungeon grand jury, now!


Vids\graphics fair-use x comment…

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