Me? Mean? Fcuking accurate too!

dissent shut upLYING BASTARDS YOUTUBE Prussian controlled Masonic fascistswhile-america-slept-thing LARGE

Here’s the offending video While America slept wankerz…

I’ve got something to say here, something simply repeated…

robby redneck comedian 1967 and 2019 x 600

That’s me in both photos above, circa 1967 on the left…

To any kids who may read this, I’m 62 years old and I’ve got over 5 1\2 decades experience in this rolling clusterfcuk best called Wall St’s Washington, that’s only accurate once you find out which Prussian’s own Wall St tho, and for some of you that’d also include finding out what a Prussian is ~ Myself I’m pretty aware about this fascist New World Order fertilizer crap they’re spraying on the American and British political medias 24\7 now ~ Hell I’ve been studying it ever since that guy who looked like Jack Kennedy got whacked by ex Army Ranger sharpshooter Don Rumsfeld in Dallas Texas ~ Yup, 100% certain that was Rumsfeld on the Grassy Knoll but it’s also 100% certain that wasn’t Jack Kennedy in the Limo in Dealy Plaza so that’s America for you, well, that’s America’s Knight of Malta Masonic politics for you, I’ve been watching them closely since that moment on…

They’re all part of the same worldwide fascist Prussian pig-dog x Masonic circus that murdered my birth mother and twin sister the day I’d been born in Ohio so it’s sort of personal, yet ever since 1964 also very professional ~ I’ve got reason to risk my life by calling a Prussian pig a Prussian pig and calling a Masonic dog a Masonic dog, and also calling a fascist Prussian controlled Masonic circus a pack of mangy pig dog’s which is supposedly one hell of an insult to some of them, insult intended, point being I’ve good good reason to say this stuff and have over 5 1\2 decades experience, that doesn’t make it safe, it just means I’m aware of exactly what I’m doing because it’s all planned, all most of you kids of America who haven’t had your mother’s and sister’s murdered would have is a reason to need to know why they’re lying to you, and when their next false flag is…


Here’s a cut-and-paste from another blog post…

Adolph Eichmann once casually said to me, in person, that if ever I’d move one foot to the left he’d shoot me, shoot me dead to be precise, this is a true story, it was sometime in early 1965 and I’d advise anyone and everyone to go check your political Funk and fcuking Wagnalls on precisely when who and where the official story claims someone by that name was hung in Israel, anyway he said if ever I’d move “One foot to the left” he’d shoot me and I’d gone all morose and half teary, saying that was a mean rotten low thing to say ~ He responded that it was merely a joke, a political joke to be precise however around one year before that my first Faux girlfriend had been shot dead in front of me in cold blood by America’s Faux future German born 41st so being a bit of a dcik from an early age I’d just gone all sulky and moody and whined a little, in effect stating it was a really mean rotten cold hearted callous thing to say ~ He got in a small huff and stated it was only a (Political) joke as in the left (Commies) were bad but the right (Fascists) were good tho that did him no good, I’d decided to be a dcik and even as a little boy once I’d decided anything about something, even something like being a dcik, I’d stick to my guns and dig my heels in ~ In retrospect it’s more than likely if I’d not been such a little dcik that day I’d have had something much funnier to say cause Herr “Eichie” might’ve had some humor under the death’s head mask…

We’ll never fcuking know the answer to that tho will we…


The Prussian-descent Odessa Nazi I’d talked to the day that sad little exchange above occurred in early 1965 looked exactly (Dictionary meaning) like the dead guy in the photo above left and nothing (Dictionary meaning) like the guy above right so it’s true to say that neither man looked anything like the other, however I’ll admit theoretically that’s stretching the credulity envelope cause I’d never talked face to face with the guy on the right to make a comparison yet did have some very interesting discussions over an eight year period with Eichmann…

Plz take your time, we know you’re a little fragile America…


You don’t really understand your own history because those illegitimate part Prussian descent Freemason’s running America made damn sure you don’t, factor this in and then think about the 5 1\2 decades of lies since then ~ At the time Rumsfeld blew that Secret Service identity double for Kennedy away there was a stolen US Air Force nuke under congress, placed there by Eichmann with the help of a duped tough guy Rumsfeld and a blackmailed Cheney, literally…

Nuclear blackmail by Odessa over that stolen nuke under congress is the engine that drove the Masonic criminality behind what really happened in Vietnam with the abduction of South East Asians to build the Dulce Oklahoma Tri-State deep underground military bunker system and also drove the shame of American born US Special Forces of often illegitimate German descent abducting so many of the so called MIA who were destined to a lifetime of forced indenture as slave labor overseers at similar projects as those undertaken under the Dulce base the wide world over ~ Fact is when it comes to secretly fascist American politics it’s been one long Masonic run Prussian controlled conspiracy for far longer than simply that period since Kennedy onto Sept 11 and up to now however that’s a large subject which goes way back before Freemason’s honest Abe Lincoln and Boss Tweed walked away with the equivalent of $1 to $8 trillion tax dollars which had been converted into banker’s cash bearer bonds amounting to $100 million dollars which financed 150+ years of a Prussian Masonic conspiracy…

So yeah, it’s a pretty large subject all up isn’t it kids…

Prince Lincoln 600

The nuke wasn’t even functional, they got conned…


That’s me being mean, accurate, and constructive…

I’ve something else really mean to say about five of the ‘CSpam’ (sic) internet radio presenters currently working for the Knight of Malta\Odessa running that small section of post Sept 11 US political media too, it goes like this ~ If they were on their own stuck in a lift due to a power failure and they farted they’d probably fall in love with themselves ~ Yep, that’s a pretty mean thing to say and I’ve only had about 10 standard drinks today so that’s no excuse, truth is I’m probably just plain mean, yeah, mean and pretty fcuking accurate too most days…

Any-waaay, now to the rest of the post subject…


Mean accurate lawful constructive dissent…


And Um, I-want a lawyer or a mortician…

Redneck Comedian FCUK YOUR GOD _ Red Arrow NO JOKE 600

2:00 AM AESDST Jan 10
And an edit 2:20 too

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