Tech #54, one step ahead of you…

That graphic featured at the start of the blog, the one implying that a treason amnesty leads away from lies towards truth and understanding, do any of you reading this blog grasp the implications within that simple concept?

Do any of you understand why it’s so desperately needed for the restoration of sane political processes in America after the lies of the past 6 decades are now so highlighted by the suppressed truths? ~ Such an amnesty could foster a return to the masses having some say in Govt simply by forcing the ruling Mason’s to stop lying to them, at least that’s what’s possible and plausible once the sting behind America’s culture of political blackmail is removed and the prospect of everyone being on the same truthful page via access to real facts is finally restored…

As part of a long term Bavarian Illuminati controlled espionage plot on the world at large 41 established a series of linked in political blackmail circles under the guise of warped pedophile and metrosexual sex cults that eventually gave him the political power needed to pull the Sept 11 Coup on the constitution…

Now it should be noted or perhaps that’s not forgotten if you’re finally up to speed on this stuff that since it’s inception under Freemason George Washington America has always had lying Bavarian Illuminati controlled Masonic wheels operating within larger Masonic wheels governing them, all of it operating on principles of large scale Machiavellian political blackmail which then led to the days of the honest Abe Lincoln where the equivalent of a multi trillion dollar tax rort was pulled which then led to a total top down Bavarian Illuminati control of the American state with Freemasonry itself acting as little more than Sheriff of Nottingham style functionaries overseeing the corporation’s serf’s…

But in case you feel bad about that relax, it’s not just America, it’s the way politics provably operated world wide under what they called “The Great Game” for the last 200 odd years under Bavarian Luciferin’s who’d gained control of the Masonic British monarchy over 300 years ago and gained control of the Masonic Lodge some 47 years before Mason’s claim they’d even begun…

What’s gone down since the 1973 US Fed Chinese (Nazi) gold loan…

George Herbert Walker Bush the fake 560

American truth’s fell victim to the circles of Machiavellian Masonic lies fostered by the methodical high level espionage via political blackmail of the German born ‘BND’ agent most naive Americans still wrongly call George HW Bush…

Under that German born agent a situation developed where often illegitimate part German descent pawns were promoted within what some still laughingly call the Young Republicans to positions of social financial and political power in what was an already a Masonic controlled American political life, in large part he did this illegally using the ‘CIA’ stateside as well as using US Fed Nazi gold generated Reaganomics junk bond cash to drastically expand the Young Republican pedo dungeon network as well as create all sorts of kinky sex circles in Washington in addition to what was already there, and by design it all led up to the Sept 11 2001 Coup D’Etat takeover of American politics which recently saw 2 of Odessa SS Josef Schwammberger’s offspring as number #01 and #02 at ‘CIA’ with one of those about to be promoted to become Secretary of State and his deputy about to become director, while one of Odessa SS Walter Kutschmann’s brats became Secretary of the US Treasury, and another is the son in law of the man America wrongly thinks of as Donald J. Grump…

Are you getting it yet Nimrod?

Building 7 GIF (4)

Nooo, don’t sweat it, take your time…

kinetic-energy-weapons 480

No drama-rama, it’s still all good…
Would a short blast of droll humour help?
Help the mind-medicine go down maybe?
Infowarrior-humour bit’s just below…
Then straight back to the serious…


What sort of congressional-parrot sees the feature-graphic and don’t get it?

0001000 Comey Face PAGE0002000 Hey America Hey YahParrot Cocky's Polly wanna TTP BJ0004000 Sophisticated CRAPGibson and tinfoil hats kids ~ Grump-Trump versus liberals


Think I’m an idiot for disagreeing with 320 million idiots?

Robby 10 yo good image 560 (2)Pedo dungeon American Nazi flag ~ Miss the bus 560

It’s getting repetitive, I’ve made my decisions, the fact I’d only been 5 and 7 when I’d made them and 22 when I’d reaffirmed those fateful choices changes nothing cause for me they were the right choices and remain so ~ So there you go Odessa, aged 5 I’d decided no more, your grande world agenda bores me witless and is so idiotic that it places my inner being in conflict with my higher rationale to the point where it became certain we will not share the same eternity…

Age 7 years I’d decided you were all intellectual pygmies and droll butt hurt spiritual dwarfs who need to get the hell out of my eternity, then at age 22 I’d decided that there was no point in wasting my ideals as a boy so I’d better make the best of them, if for no other reason than to retain personal pride by honouring those who truly helped me have them ~ And now I’m an old man in my 62nd year the path ahead looks pretty dark and kind of dangerous, yet again I’d made my choices long ago, and again, still, they’re the right choices for me…

I’ll take that loan for lawyers and the return of everything you stole or a gift of 5 grams of Vincente Fox’s best processed Afghan opium which you’ve been selling stateside, and then either way simply walk away with a humble attitude of Nolo Contendere along with a wry “Better go check with your bosses bitch” attitude if encountering any of the little Mengele-sourced Odessa Hitler’s who now like to think they’re in the ascendency, and that Nolo Contendere phrase? ~ It’s Latin, it means I’ve zero interest in arguing with them over anything, I’d achieved my major life goals already back in 2006, those goals involved avenging the murder of my birth mother and twin sister by Odessa and it’s go-for’s…

Masonic Mason bloody chess board 560

A 5 decade political chess-match with a heavy occult twist…

All vids\graphics are used in fair-use x fair comment mode…
This is STILL (Link) the one that probably bothered them most…
Enjoy the blog, it was written with blood sweat and tears…


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