Their fickled-finger of fascist fate!

Prusso-Aryan owned US Fed ROTHSCHILD BLACK Nazi gold Iron Curtain Masonic 730 HQRATLINES US Fed sharkOdessa Kutschmann Lavrov JinPing face mask 730 Swastika HQ

Stop bullshitting America, you started this shit yourselves…

aaa-ALTERED deep-state-trump-capitol-hill-dumbo-skyscrapers-treason-amnesty-730-good

I’m simply highlighting some of it for the common volk…

Tarantino US Fed Bank front debt balloon Afghan Lithium bloody headless Islam Covid-19 730 EDIT10

Using a bit of humor, relax folks, it’s all make-believe, all of it…

Plz fully read this longish link (Link) or you just won’t get it…

After saying for the N-Teenth time in the thus-far non-existent 4th Amendment privacy of my own Victorian Housing Commission bedsitter loungeroom flat to no one in particular that “The word of a Chinaman ain’t worth shit” then having it spread around Melbourne and the wider world by malicious Odessa offspring who all act as gatekeepers for Washington’s Orwellian abuse, spread a whole lot faster than the fake Coronavirus (sic) pandemic has pushed Washington’s real US Fed debt crisis off the page, I’d been intending to write a shortish post exhorting the average non-German Chinese to try to not to get too overly emotional within the bigger picture, it was said in my loungeroom with no-one physically present…

And I’d only been referring to the German Chinese of Prusso\Aryan descent who were directly involved in 5 chemical contaminations of various foodstuffs over the past few years and thus far refused to make practical real-world amends anyway, with a similar rant to the average Russian prole not to take what I’m occasionally saying too personal, what I’d said about them was only about their Prusso\Aryan German descent elite German\Odessa-descent Russians who did likewise with the chemical contamination only fewer times and less severe, however, a small bottle of brandy and only halfway thru that a complacent laissez-faire mood has overtaken me so I’ve just done 2 sarcastic accurate graphics above and re-posted these two peculiar vids below, that’s all that needs doing for the moment until old Joe (Yankee Doodle) Average (Dandy) gets off their fat overly fluoridated asses and supplies me with information relating to the real reason that ex-Veep Joe Biden placed Ohio-born me on their Patriot Act NDAA proscribed person’s list…

It’s what’s been justifying their 24\7 abuse of my 4th Amendment…

Hope you enjoy the blogs, they represent a lifetime’s work…

Vicount POrtal Odessa Senate AFGHAN LITHIUM OPIUUM colluding Odessa Money Machine 730


And I’m still just an honest witness Dawg’s…

4th Amendment more border

This part always repeated, take (Aryan) fascists seriously…

Both my step-parents had often explained to me that the boy my step mother gave birth to in the Broken Hill hospital had been literally abducted and I’d been put there in his place, that’s the boy whose name and BIRTH CERTIFICATE I’ve been stuck with these last six plus decades, I’m led to believe the swap probably took place around my sixth month as I’d already cut my milk teeth at the time…

That was never something I’d liked hearing and it wasn’t something you’d joke to your kid about period, certainly not the same joke repeated over and over for my entire childhood without a punchline, my step father later told me the boy my step mother gave birth to was dead, murdered, but never to tell her about it…

After also learning birth-mom and baby-sister were dead…

Both were dead in Ohio the very same day I’d been born…

Perhaps the enormity of that escapes the average hypocrite…

This part here may disturb some readers, try to chill especially if you’re one of those who had a similar cursed beginning because you can’t change the past one bit by fretting over it and allowing it to steal your peace ~ Me and my twin sister were literally Ohio born children, we literally came into this world via Caesarean section without anesthetic for our mother performed with a literal PrussoAryan (Olde worlde Iranian) Masonic Odessa Nazi wielding the knife, my baby sister was then tortured in front of our birth mother while laying there with her belly open before she was coldly killed with a single kick ~ Then they tortured me in front of our mother, dropping me to the ground and kicking me unconscious, torturing her to death, then butchering cooking and eating both mother and baby sister…

Birth-mom and sister cannibalized by Knight of Malta Mason’s…

According to the original George Herbert Walker Bush, not the 41st president, completely different man, they drank my baby sister’s blood before butchering her and our mother then cooking them up and literally eating them in what was once said to be the Mid East kabbalistic fashion ~ I’d only been 5 when I’d learned the full circumstance of my evil birth, learning I’d also been tortured every day for the first two weeks of my life before being brought to Oz which brought memories back in flashes, torture continuing here before growing out of toddlerhood…

Then some fool Russian born German Masonic pig mocked me over my mother and baby sister not more than 20 minutes after torturing me, their torture being central to the exact same types of MK-Ultra brainwashing that the PrussoAryan Masonic Central Intelligence Agency gave to Palestinian suicide bombers…

Well anyway that’s what radicalized me at age 5 years kiddies, a mentally tough little fcuker by then no doubt, my step mother being beaten with an iron bar and my first girlfriend being executed in front of me by America’s future 41st turned me into a devious little occultist warrior with a 220 IQ to work with ~ Sadly tho raised by both step parents to be a mostly law abiding little man it also sent me feral with a prophet’s abilities until my 23rd year and by then, well the damage (Payback) was all well and truly cooked, perhaps a little overdone to be sure…

Enjoy the song, called us MK-Ultra kids junkies, damn-em…

These aren’t fictional stories, songs are there for balance…

I’ve still no practical support to pay 40 days with a top-class barrister to write down my evidence in a professional manner about literally witnessing 20 fcuking Central Intelligence Agency child murders from 1963 to just before the very end of 1969 Australia, they were all Aussie kids and 14 of those included 9 babies…

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

cheney-rumsfeld-fake-kerry-baby killers Sept 11 perps 600

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…
That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

Bush German twins 730 border

Between them Prescott’s German-born twins tortured five
older Aboriginal girls to death in front of me, an act of cold
state-sponsored terror to anyone other than to Americans
or to hypocrites or, just to American-hypocrites maybe…

Masonic religious-act-patriot-act-malta-swastika-hypocrite-600

Silence from Australian-hypocrites is heartbreaking too…

Those 14 were ritual torture murders of full blood Aboriginals, I’d been able to see the older girls were girls while with the babies I’d merely been told they were girls along with telling me all the weird kabbalistic cannibalistic sick shit they did with the cadavers of which the veracity of I’m in no doubt whatsoever, it was easy to see these were genuine full bloods, genuine full bloods, obviously in addition to the sicko Luciferian nature of their torture murders this was pure Luciferian genocide directed at a specific race, while a 15th who was Jane Beaumont was screwed with a razor tipped penis extender dipped in Chilli for about 3 minutes before being shot in the back of the head along with her brother and sister who also met the same kabbalistic cannibalism after their deaths, her’s the worst screams I’d ever heard in my entire fcuking life ever, including my own…

They used to fly in thru Pine Gap to do their dirty work…

No Passport needed-PINE GAP

They were all in it together, just like with the Nazi-gold…

cia-x-bnd-sept-11 KNIGHTS OF MALTA Prussian Eagle Masonic Turkey 600tillerson-fake-trump-russian-mother-dave-plus-rumsfeld-original-trump-and-mother-mary-MORON-600

Remember Nazi’s you financed in 33′ to loot Europe’s gold?

aaa-cat-lady-ADJUSTED FINGER liberty-king-george-washington-royal-family-nazi-salute-prison-roget-thinker-finger-730

Looks to meee like they own you, but do they even own your souls?

Redneck Political Philosopher Faux Trump mother MAHA 600

You do have souls don’t you America, don’t you…

TRUMP 2020 flag thing border FOUR MORE YEARS SKATEBOARD 460

Maybe 10:00 PM
on May the 23rd and
just after 11:00 AM
and 7:00 PM and aT
11:11 pm on May
the 24th as well

skeleton-skull-red-eyes-part-trans_burned-blogs-are-phished SMALL

Links to    three contextual    posts

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