The true definition of conspiracy?

Some accurate perspectives still present in today’s America…

The idea that Lee Harvey Oswald might not have killed Kennedy still occurs to some people due to the Texas School Book Depository x Rumsfeld on the Grassy Knoll anomaly, yet how few people realize the larger truth behind that farce as in it wasn’t even the real JFK in the Limo that day and thus America’s Freemason’s have been jerking them off since they did a similar stage play at the Ford Theater in Washington 150 years ago that Umm, probably should’ve been rightly called something like maybe “Oh dear (Snigger) somebody shot the president”…

Some people do look like other folk, especially blood cousins…

Seeing as the treasonous Freemasons I’m writing about often try to fcuk me over simply for the sake of their miserable ego’s and then claim my response is merely me making trouble, then here’s some trouble for them in the form of a picture of the man in the Limo that day in Dealy Plaza seated next to German half-brother Werner Von Braun and their Masonic biological father Prescott Sheldon Bush…

Obviously Prescott fathered America’s illegal German-born 41st president too and is also possibly grandfather or simply uncle of America’s treasonous Sept 11 Masonic President George Dubya Bush, and by the way Prescott was literally the biological son of Knight of Malta Freemason Czar Nicholas the 2nd of Russia…

He’s the one who faked his death using a lookalike to help cover up a conspiracy behind Russia’s missing gold, illegitimate cousins died in the royal family’s place so in part it really is Russia’s conspiracy, except Prussians ran Russia for the last 500 years and Aryan old world Iranians ran Prussia since it first began, however, one thing they all had in common was their membership of the Knights of Malta section of the Masonic Lodge, all except for poor old Otto who was the one who really got a bullet in the head from the real shooter that day, Rumsfeld…

See how easily blood-relatives can look like each other?

Accurate comment on the true origins of modern fascism…

There’s a shortish historical overview of the modern Masonic menace further down in this post however for the moment, in context, allow me to clearly state with 100% certainty that Freemasonry deliberately created the Aryan-Nazi as a form of plausibly deniable fascism ~ Now anybody who’s ever experienced grief that goes hand in hand with fascism knows that like communism, fascism isn’t at all plausible once things like morality truth and dignity come into play, both were created by Freemasonry simply to recreate a state of bastardized feudalism in the modern world yet done in such a way as the Masonic Lodge itself was never to be held accountable for the way it went about its twisted world agenda, thus far…

Think you’re getting any of this yet Yankee Doodle Dandy?

You were lied to by Knight of Malta Freemasons on day one…

Everything since then was a Machiavellian Masonic lie…

According to my sources, Tricky was Prescott’s bastard too…

Always the blame fell on the fascist or the communist but all major fascist and communist leaders like Mao and Muso and Stalin and Hitler and even Castro etc were all Knight of Malta Freemasons with the higher cadre always in the Masonic Lodge of one sort or another ~ Bear in mind there are approximately 27 different lodges going by different names that all come under the authority of what they’ve called Grand Lodge but Grand Lodge itself is and always was under the authority of the Knights of Malta, an old quasi-Catholic group who were totally taken over by the Bavarian Illuminati when they supposedly disbanded, and now to the point of this particular editorial for America’s sake ~ That German National Socialism was created with the support of the United States Federal Reserve banking system is beyond doubt, and as the US Fed is and always was controlled by Freemasons from the very day they were created with stolen Russian gold as their asset base then without any room for honest debate the whole thing was a Masonic gambit, as were all the old London Square Mile banks when they created communism in Russia with stolen Russian gold and created communism in China with stolen Chinese gold ~ What we now face in both the east and west and literally all 3rd 2nd and 1st world countries is a total fascist takeover by biological offspring of World War Two Odessa Nazis, all part of a grand plan for Freemasons to be as evil as they wish by blaming something or someone else entirely, many of those now in control of the various abovementioned first second and third world countries biological cousins of the Prusso-Aryan German British queen of Great Britain via the likes of Martin Boremann and Odessa SS Walter Kutschmann and get this, both they and their cousin the queen were Knight of Malta Freemasons…

America was a conspiracy since the Tweed\Lincoln rort…

Cessna Pilots knocking skyscrapers down, remember?

Cessna Pilots, skyscrapers, Patriot Acts, Iraqi gold at Fallujah, the Libyan gold at Bengahzi, trillions of dollars of Afghan Lithium getting refined in German-owned corporations in China, there’s Afghan opium that becomes Mexican heroin flown in at 30,000 feet to land at National Park runways with the cocaine, there’s more out of control deficit debt spending than you can ever now even make an interest payment on the principal without (Literally) borrowing the money to do so…

So where’s it all coming from, all the insane dishonesty?

There’s where it comes from now, but where did it start?

Bearing in mind what was laughingly once called the Order of the Ages printed on the US dollar bill should rather be called the Aryan Conspiracy of the Ages I’d like to create a larger contextual paradox for the readers of these droll political blogs of mine, if there are any that is ~ It’s a fact that the same group of mystic Aryan Luciferian illuminates who sold the superstitious people’s of the time the idea that an omnipotent omnipresent angry Abrahamic cosmic magician deity called Jehovah had instructed his chosen race to heist Egypt’s gold and jewels while he slew their firstborn and empowered his chosen servant Moses to part the Red Sea by waving a big prophetical magic shtick (sic) over the water were also the same group of mystic Luciferian manipulators of the mind of the masses who sold folk the idea of said omnipotent omnipresent Abrahamic cosmic magician deity taking on human form thru a virgin birth then rising to life 3 days after crucifixion if you can believe it, but only if you can believe it as in reality it’s an even more absurd story than god’s Egyptian gold-heist ~ That shadowy group of Luciferian mystics descended from ancient Iranian kings and priests who for 1000’s of years have pretended to be Hebrews are the same group that for 400 years already has used the Masonic Lodges of the world as the mask they’ve hidden behind to control people via lies and deception throughout things like them controlling both sides of the Civil War as well as the creation of Communism in Russia and China using their London Square Mile Banks, and the creation of German National Socialism using America’s privately owned US Federal Reserve banks as whore of choice at the time, their London Square Mile banks restricting themselves to financing the Japanese War Machine in the lead up to WW2, thus they’re proven masters of the art of deception in the past and the present, deceptions such as the big Sept 11 attack and now their Coronavirus hoax used as the cover story for over 250,000 suspicious deaths in America alone, so now try to grasp these weird factoids…

One of their true ultimate goals of the Aryan fascist is to lead the entire human race into something even worse than the fuedal subjugation they’ve imposed on the world these last 4000+ years and it’ll come in the form of the ultimate high tech deception, a faked return of ET after the genocide of the next world war they have planned, to that end first Al Gore and then Dick Cheney and then Joe Biden gave the fascist Aryan Freemason’s running Communist China access to every last bit of high tech Nazi Foo Fighter technology the US Fed and the US taxpayer paid Nazis to develop at the AREA-51 complex, and no, it isn’t a joke numbnutz…

It’s all been given to (Fascist) Communist China because China has been run by Aryan Germans since the 1800’s including the entire communist period under the part-Aryan Knight of Malta Freemason Mao, and thus a world Aryan menace has chosen them to become the new Nazis and that’s a fact you idiots ~ Sadly during and after the next world war all the low intellect Chinese descended from Odessa offspring via the skills of Joseph Mengele, and there’s over 10 million of them as in that’s 10 million as in 10 million, suckers, will become the new Nazis and you gave them means to do so America ~ So in closing, I’d simply like to add that any further further concessions to the lying manipulative Luciferian Knight of Malta Masonic swine will be taken advantage of and used by them against you, perhaps to the eternal detriment of your worthless souls due to hypocrisy and stupidity if not just to the imaginary freedoms you’ve long been pretending to live under…

Now is the time to respond to my 5th Amendment…


Repeat for new readers, who controls Knight of Malta Mason’s?

Guess if you’re not up to speed already you’ll be lost on all this?

An accurate historical overview of previous Masonic brilliance…

Sometimes it’s necessary to overstate the obvious so that said, when Freemason’s running Confederate states and Freemason’s running the Union decided to have a war to make the new nation (Corporation) of America more manageable, in effect by removing 600,000 of it’s best and brightest citizens, it was ultimately without any doubt Freemason’s who were responsible for the tragedy they ran, one they’d planned to have, not planned to avoid having ~ While they were at it they walked away with the equivalent of $1 to $8 trillion dollars of tax money that Freemason honest Abe Lincoln placed aside in the form of easily tradeable cash bearer bonds that Freemason Boss Tweed promptly stole and took to Europe, Lincoln’s fellow Freemason’s covered their tracks by arranging for a lookalike for Lincoln to be shot in the theater and a lookalike for Freemason Boss Tweed to die in jail…

A factoid for intellectually inadequate American thinkers…

In the 1860’s that $100 million equaled $1 to $8 trillion today…

That money was used to finance the Masonic (German) controlled arms cartels of Europe as well as finance the laissez-faire Masonic (German) robber baron rape of America’s natural resource, both those endeavors along with whatever remained of that initial $1 to $8 trillion dollars of stolen tax money was then used to steal Russia’s gold after a Tunguska effect was achieved using Alfred Nobel’s new toy (Dynamite) to give weight to the story of some strange new weapon which those Mason’s in Russia used to explain the loss of Russia’s gold to the non-Masonic proletariat, and then that stolen Russian gold was used to create the US Federal Reserve banking system that effectively raped America and the wider world at large for the last 100+ years which was, surprise, controlled by Freemasons…

When World War One broke out each government of each nation involved was controlled by Mason’s and when World War Two broke out each nation involved was controlled by Masons and when World War Three breaks out, really only a high-tech genocide involving the decapitation of the world’s major population centers to more easily subjugate survivors, it’ll all be high-level Knight of Malta Masons running the show up to that moment by sacrificing as many lower order members as needed to pull it off, high-level Knight of Malta Masons hoping to stay in ultimate control in the unholy mess left thereafter, damn them all…

Their everything is as fake as their politics, they proved that…

You’re an international Aryan criminal conspiracy America…

The Vietnam MIA story is fake cause your missing military were abducted by American born US Special Forces of German descent for use simply as slave labor overseers for the Third Reich’s bunker building agenda, the Watergate break-ins were fake, that was only a smokescreen to blow off the MIA story as well as the 200,000 Operation Phoenix abductions in Vietnam that your military did along with plausibly denying the true fate of a million Cambodians who were driven up into South China by American bombing, and besides all that, that was 2 jets into 3 skyscrapers and now a viral pandemic is causing your asset-stripped American economy to grind to a halt Washington says? ~ Tha fcuk oughta here idiots!

Trusting Luciferian Masonic political leaders not to lie are you?

Some interesting links, (Link), (Link), same link maybe?


This part always repeated, take (Aryan) fascists seriously…

Both my step-parents had often explained to me that the boy my step mother gave birth to in the Broken Hill hospital had been literally abducted and I’d been put there in his place, that’s the boy whose name and BIRTH CERTIFICATE I’ve been stuck with these last six plus decades, I’m led to believe the swap probably took place around my sixth month as I’d already cut my milk teeth at the time…

Explains my Aussie birth-certificate to anyone but a moron…

That was never something I’d liked hearing and it wasn’t something you’d joke to your kid about period, certainly not the same joke repeated over and over for my entire childhood without a punchline, my step father later told me the boy my step mother gave birth to was dead, murdered, but never to tell her about it…

After also learning birth-mom and baby-sister were dead…

Called Joanne below a sister as it was easier to cope with…

According to Masonic-Nazis she was my child via Mengele…

Her killer literally slowly tore her insides out of her bottom…

Perhaps the enormity of that escapes the average hypocrite…

This part here may disturb some readers, try to chill especially if you’re one of those who had a similar cursed beginning because you can’t change the past one bit by fretting over it and allowing it to steal your peace ~ Me and my twin sister were literally Ohio born children, we literally came into this world via Caesarean section without anesthetic for our mother performed with a literal PrussoAryan (Olde worlde Iranian) Masonic Odessa Nazi wielding the knife, my baby sister was then tortured in front of our birth mother while laying there with her belly open before she was coldly killed with a single kick ~ Then they tortured me in front of our mother, dropping me to the ground and kicking me unconscious, torturing her to death, then butchering cooking and eating both mother and baby sister…

Birth-mom and sister cannibalized by Knight of Malta Mason’s…

According to the original George Herbert Walker Bush, not the 41st president, completely different man, they drank my baby sister’s blood before butchering her and our mother then cooking them up and literally eating them in what was once said to be the Mid East kabbalistic fashion ~ I’d only been 5 when I’d learned the full circumstance of my evil birth, learning I’d also been tortured every day for the first two weeks of my life before being brought to Oz which brought memories back in flashes, torture continuing here before growing out of toddlerhood…

Then some fool Russian born German Masonic pig mocked me over my mother and baby sister not more than 20 minutes after torturing me, their torture being central to the exact same types of MK-Ultra brainwashing that the PrussoAryan Masonic Central Intelligence Agency gave to Palestinian suicide bombers…

Well anyway that’s what radicalized me at age 5 years kiddies, a mentally tough little fcuker by then no doubt, my step mother being beaten with an iron bar and my first girlfriend being executed in front of me by America’s future 41st turned me into a devious little occultist warrior with a 220 IQ to work with ~ Sadly tho raised by both step parents to be a mostly law abiding little man it also sent me feral with a prophet’s abilities until my 23rd year and by then, well the damage (Payback) was all well and truly cooked, perhaps a little overdone to be sure…

Enjoy the song, called us MK-Ultra kids junkies, damn-em…

These aren’t fictional stories, songs are there for balance…

I’ve still no practical support to pay 40 days with a top-class barrister to write down my evidence in a professional manner about literally witnessing 20 fcuking Central Intelligence Agency child murders from 1963 to just before the very end of 1969 Australia, they were all Aussie kids and 14 of those included 9 babies…

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

cheney-rumsfeld-fake-kerry-baby killers Sept 11 perps 600

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

That was 40 days funding for a barrister to write it all down…

Bush German twins 730 border

Between them Prescott’s German-born twins tortured five
older Aboriginal girls to death in front of me, an act of cold
state-sponsored terror to anyone other than to Americans
or to hypocrites or, just to American-hypocrites maybe…

Masonic religious-act-patriot-act-malta-swastika-hypocrite-600

Silence from Australian-hypocrites is heartbreaking too…

Those 14 were ritual torture murders of full blood Aboriginals, I’d been able to see the older girls were girls while with the babies I’d merely been told they were girls along with telling me all the weird kabbalistic cannibalistic sick shit they did with the cadavers of which the veracity of I’m in no doubt whatsoever, it was easy to see these were genuine full bloods, genuine full bloods, obviously in addition to the sicko Luciferian nature of their torture murders this was pure Luciferian genocide directed at a specific race, while a 15th who was Jane Beaumont was screwed with a razor tipped penis extender dipped in Chilli for about 3 minutes before being shot in the back of the head along with her brother and sister who also met the same kabbalistic cannibalism after their deaths, her’s the worst screams I’d ever heard in my entire fcuking life ever, including my own…

They used to fly in thru Pine Gap to do their dirty work…

No Passport needed-PINE GAP

They were all in it together, just like with the Nazi-gold…

cia-x-bnd-sept-11 KNIGHTS OF MALTA Prussian Eagle Masonic Turkey 600

Remember Nazi’s you financed in 33′ to loot Europe’s gold?

Looks to meee like they own you, but do they even own your souls?

Again I’d like to remind America of something, you’re living in a land of liars and are ruled by the most brazen of them, the American Indians and the Mexicans and eventually, the Russians and then Europe and China and then South East Asia and finally the Mid East had reasons to curse you and your Prusso-Aryan Masonic masters, and most of them did ~ For that alone your truths, if you had any that is, are likely to prove to be the only form of defense for the concept of a national soul that you’ll have in the hereafter, if you have one that is, as in a consciousness that survives your physical death, because all those who rightly cursed your collective soul for the evil you’ve allowed to be committed in your name will very likely be waiting for you in the hereafter to see their curses fulfilled, and then truth and truth alone will (Eventually) prove your only defense, if you had one that is…

Waiting for a barrister (Lawyer) for those child murders…

Brain 200 TRANS

10:00 AM
29th Nov


words not
some of
them have
10,000 words
in them

skeleton-skull-red-eyes-part-trans_burned-blogs-are-phished SMALL

Links to    four good    contextual   posts

Why would this even matter some idiots ask?

That’s 50 days funding for a
barrister to write it all down,
money goes into what used to
be called an escrow account,
all co-signed to withdraw to
pay the barrister each day…

PS: Don’t claim ownership of the
vids and graphics, as my blogs will
never be monetized anyway a fair
use x fair comment etc will apply,
whatever the Euro-fascist laws
would like to lay claim to…

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