Still just a ‘JOKE’ is it Washington?

A BW FAKE TRUMP Russian lady Ukrainew Украина LARGE ReddishRed Skelton 2016 2020 double or nothing MasonicCROPPED TOP AND BOTTOMWTC Congress Islam Jet Faux TRUMP LIES Large

You could just treat these blogs as a joke America, you could…

Or get off your fat-asses to respond to my 5th Amendment…

5th Amendment PUBLIC DANGER 600

Literally waiting for precise accusations your Sept 11 perp’s used to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

You’re in danger of disappearing up your own fundamental…

FBI pedo Mueller

In the aftermath of decades of deliberate Masonic tragedies…

AA NOT FUNNY Harry Potter BW 730.jpg

WARNING: Nothing much funny below this point here…

Was listening to some droll sad-assed and to me nameless Masonic American general applying for or rather pretending to be interviewed by congress for some controlling position talking on “CSpam” internet-radio, he was waffling-on with the old America is the greatest but we don’t wanna hurt anybody unless they’re in our way but if we have too then they don’t stand a chance line when something he said matter of factly about America’s nuclear weapons as usual supposedly being in safe responsible hands kicked a few old tripwires or warning markers in my mind causing me to first think of the military muscleheads who tried to wake America up to the fact that the warheads in Minuteman Missiles weren’t nuclear, they were kinetic weapons powered by high discharge short cycle plutonium ion gas batteries and (Literally) propelled by the old Nazi Foo Fighter drive tech…

Round that time another bunch of ex-US Military muscleheads also complained loudly about the plan to install the brand new Overlord 2 targetting reacquisition guidance software which allows the weapons guidance systems to be reacquired after launch to be aimed at different targets than set at launch, from memory this shortly after the initial Sept 11 shock in the middle of confusion and anti-Islamic Patriot Act self-righteous threat matrix hubris the Masonic Beltway was for the time being blowing in everyone’s faces 24\7 as if it was Armageddon day…

Those muscleheads (Hard-boy heroes) tried hard to get peeps to wake up to the fact anyone with the codes to Overlord 2 software could retarget warheads once launched and literally send them back onto American cities but the wolves of Washington just blew them off and the sheep just bleated in confusion…

the-real-wolf-in-sheeps-clothing-600 666

At the exact same time it also caused me to think of the Diego Garcia Black Rod down incident a good 10+ years ago when one of America’s top-secret non-rocket non-propellor-driven ‘AREA-51’ craft was literally knocked out of the sky and lost at sea followed shortly thereafter by America (Masonic Washington) handing over all of the gold they swiped from Iraq using US Military and the lion’s share from Libya using ex-Delta Forces as well as according to some other whistleblowers at the time a goodly amount of the gold at Fort Knox also being handed over along with the multi-trillion-dollar contracts for Afghan Lithium ore forced onto the Afghan people as some sort of sly war booty ~ In addition to that some time back then they also quietly removed all of their deep underground military bunker bunker-busting missiles (Half mile deep) from the American nuclear submarine force so rather than what that general was somewhat gaily waffling on about regarding America’s strength and total superiority against one and all the words “Complete Capitulation” to whomever it was came to mind ~ It also caused me to recall that some time back in the 1970’s a disgruntled Central Intelligence Agency nobody had told me of that specific precise plan, literally ~ It was way back then that I’d actually first heard they were building the Black Rod behemoths with the Foo Fighter drive and the man who told of them literally specifically mentioned a plan he’d heard wherein one would be deliberately hit to give treasonous Knight of Malta Mason’s of Washington Whitehall and god knows who else the excuses they needed to blow the rank and file military off with what amounted to a high tech con job, main key to understanding such a complex gambit is to remember that the US Fed financed Corporal Hilter’s Nazis you jackasses, sorry, sheep…

Sheep sheepdog fascist Masonic conspiracy 600 darker more color


Told you it wasn’t going to be funny, it gets worse…

Redneck Comedian FCUK YOUR GOD _ Red Arrow NO JOKE 600

Patiently waiting for the precise accusations your Sept 11 perp’s used to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

A team of lawyers for 4th and 5th Amendments too…

I’m an eye-witness to your crimes against humanity America…


A witness to a fair amount of your treason too by the way…

Amnesty Treason MUCH CLEARER 600 thicker border (3)

My thoughts have always advocated full exposure and disclosure of past crimes committed by the United States Govt and those who own it which obviously isn’t the US citizen and never was, to that end I’ve always also advocated public grand juries into the underground pedo dungeons the old German-born Knight of Malta Freemason 41 set up to deconstruct the US political system via the destruction of its morality by the kinds of relentless hypocrisy Masonic Lodges seem to consider some sort of viable skill ~ Their grubby Machiavellian control methods of political processes via political blackmail over said pedophilia along with buying corrupt hearts and souls mostly using money generated via Nazi gold US Fed junk bonds under 41’s Reaganomics asset strip agenda has ruined much of America…

These blogs, enlightened as they are by this writer’s personal experience with all form and manner of crafty deception employed by America’s Masonic owners to subvert inconvenient truths, have always advocated a 100% treason amnesty as a partial solution to restoring truth into the wider political culture so as to create the basic mechanism to effect some form of genuine healing to the damage that Masonic treason and American hypocrisy have thus far caused, with the amnesty applying simply in return for claiming the said amnesty while telling 100% of the whole truth to any grand jury of the people investigating anything and everything from JFK’s faked assassination in Dealy Plaza using ‘Otto’ (Werner) Von Braun’s illegitimate half brother as the lookalike fall guy in the Limo for Rummy to whack from the Grassy Knoll all of the way down to the Sept 11 coup and the Patriot Act farce that came from that, as well as the treason engendered under the current illegal lookalike president who was probably born in Ukraine of all places…

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So why have an opinion on anything American you ask?

Both my step-parents had often explained to me that the boy my step mother gave birth to in the Broken Hill hospital had been literally abducted and I’d been put there in his place ~ Not something I’d liked hearing and not something you’d joke to a kid about period, certainly not the same joke repeated over and over for my entire childhood without a punchline, my step father later telling me the boy my step mother gave birth to was dead, murdered, but not to tell her about it…

After also learning birth-mom and baby-sister were dead…

Both were dead in Ohio the same day I’d been born…

Here’s a true story I’ve often written of before about a young Catholic schoolgirl called Monika I’d been introduced to in 1964 ~ America’s future Sept 11 Defense Secretary was screwing her any time he was in town on company business as an enforcer doing what they called wet work back then, sometimes for Odessa…

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No difference between CIA and Odessa, they’re the same…

Monika was a stunningly beautiful very moody dark haired 10 y\o Catholic schoolgirl who lived right on the north east corner of the intersection of North East Road and Hampstead Road Hampstead Gardens in an old red brick gothic style mini-mansion type of house with huge verandahs and flooded cellars too, situated on a sloping block, she did indeed capture my total attention to the point where we began to be friends ~ One particular week Rumsfeld had told me to tell the future 41 or Bush #03 as I’d secretly labeled him that I’d not do what he told me to which was to tell two different strangers the exact opposite thing…

Basically trying to train (Condition) me into blind obedience…

robby 10 y o redneck comedian 560

It’s the way these malicious fascist bastards of yours rolled…

Bush's, heaps of Bush's ORIGINAL 02 + 03 and Heston 600 OPTIMISED

I’d labeled him Bush #03 due to him being the third son of Prescott working for the Central Intelligence Agency that I’d met by that time who was using the name George Herbert Walker but by the by ~ Rumsfeld told me to refuse to do what he’d said which was to tell some Arab guy they were going to have me talk to to push the Jews into the sea and they’d win while telling some Jew they were also going to have talk to me to fight to the last drop of Palestinian blood, they win too…

In response to my disobedience the future 41 shot the girl dead in front of me in cold blood without warning about 8 feet away just as she entered the room with eyes fixed on me and smiling, an act of terror in any honest man’s perspective…

Take it to the bank they had it all arranged beforehand…

Couple days later when nobody was arrested I’d literally gone feral with a 220 IQ for around 15 years but again that’s by the by for this point, shortly thereafter the future 41st got me to agree to say whatever I’d be told to say after threatening to do the same to my step mother as he did to young Monika ~ As a test he wanted me to say something stupid he made up to my step family, when I’d asked how he’d know if I’d said it he stated there’s microphones in your family home…

Short story long I’d done as I’d been told, not wanting to risk my step mother’s life and got some really weird responses for all the stupid shit I’d said but didn’t leave it there, over the following two years I’d did a couple tests myself designed to see if there really were microphones there which resulted in two specific acts of torture on me as punishment over the things I’d said about those creeps in my own step family home, this was also while the Central Intelligence Agency had first Rumsfeld and then Cheney and the fake Kerry torture nine Aboriginal babies to death in front of me in between 1964 and 1967 ~ Ignoring the prostitution and constant torture by employees of the US Govt on an abducted Ohio born child by the govt of the greatest nation in the world as the greatest nation in the world itself has always done, ignore it that is, that low cnut act with the microphones was a blatant 4th Amendment abuse which has now gone on for 5 1\2 decades straight to this very day and to me it proves one thing and one thing only…


Americans appear to be the biggest frauds in history…

Still waiting for precise allegation\accusations Sept 11 perp’s used to put
Ohioborn sex-slave traded baby-boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level 2 NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

Basically the 5th Amendment for any who never knew…

Bill of rights 5th Amendment 600

Whether you respond to me or not, what about the pedo’s?

I’ve still no practical support to pay 40 days with a top class barrister to write down my evidence in a professional manner about literally witnessing 20 fcuking Central Intelligence Agency child murders from 1963 to just before the very end of 1969 Australia, they were all Aussie kids and 14 of those included 9 babies…

Those 14 were ritual torture murders of full blood Aboriginals, I’d been able to see the older girls were girls while with the babies I’d merely been told they were girls along with telling me all the weird kabbalistic cannibalistic sick shit they did with the cadavers of which the veracity of I’m in no doubt whatsoever, it was easy to see these were genuine full bloods, genuine full bloods, obviously in addition to the sicko Luciferian nature of their torture murders this was pure Luciferian genocide directed at a specific race, while a 15th who was Jane Beaumont was screwed with a razor tipped penis extender dipped in Chilli for about 3 minutes before being shot in the back of the head along with her brother and sister who also met the same kabbalistic cannibalism after their deaths, her’s the worst screams I’d ever heard in my entire fcuking life ever, including my own…

They always flew in thru Pine Gap for their evil deeds…

No Passport needed-PINE GAP

The tortured babies were all coal-black full-blood’s…

Washington claims these are too long for stupid people…

Blyat AM ESDT Oct 26th


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